Changing the way you interact with live events forever

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Launching a new site today - http://www.LiveFootballChat.com

We're kicking off a new site today with www.LiveFootballChat.com

We'll be covering every game for the NFL. We've also added some new features.

If you want to be supporting the winning team of the season be sure to show www.LiveFootballChat.com/fan/Jets as your favorite team :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Well what is http://www.livefanchat.com/ all about?

A few of us were kicking around ideas about what was and wasn't working with Twitter and sports.

We were baseball fans that loved to chat during the MLB games but after playing with skype, irc and a few other live chat tools hadn't found an app that really worked for us.

Being geeks what else could we do but sketch up some ideas and thats how http://www.livefanchat.com/  and http://www.livebaseballchat.com/ came about.

Dean Collins
Founder - LiveFanChat inc.