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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Peggy grows up and buys an apartment

Lots of discussions about Mad Men and New York's favorite past time...real estate property from last nights show where Peggy was looking to purchase an UES 2br apt on 88th ...near the river but with balcony.....for the princely sum of $28,000

lol you could hear all of New York laugh when the broker mentioned about how much of a steal it would be when the 2nd avenue subway was completed (still under construction now in 2013....)

It did bring up some interesting points

Cost Of Living 1968 to Now.
Yearly Inflation Rate USA 4.27%

Depending on costs of renovations etc  here is a quick comp at $1.6m though its a fair bit nicer than what we saw in the episode
- http://streeteasy.com/nyc/sale/841887-condo-455-east-86th-street-yorkville-new-york

This is a closer example features/fixtures wise and is $749,000
- http://streeteasy.com/nyc/sale/853429-coop-301-east-87th-street-yorkville-new-york

So for the quick calculation check out the tables below, basically based on comps it looks like apartment prices doubled every 11 years.

Or look for your own comps here;

Thursday, April 25, 2013

2013 NFL Draft starts today

This Thursday the 25th of April at 8pm ET will be the first round of the 2013 NFL Draft.

In simulcast with the ESPN tv coverage we will have a Live Fan Chat for each of the sessions over 3 days for you to invite your friends to chat live with you.

Tonight's 3 hour chat room url is
- www.LiveFootballChat.com/go/20776
Friday's chat room url is
- www.LiveFootballChat.com/go/20777
Saturdays chat room url will run all day from 12pm est until midnight at
- www.LiveFootballChat.com/go/20778

So invite your friends, post the links out to Twitter and Facebook, lets see who really knows their NFL stuff.

Don't forget if you haven't signed up already to add your profile to your teams FanWall eg. http://www.LiveFootballChat.com/fan/49ers
