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Sunday, February 7, 2016


The SuperBowl is starting in 30 minutes so invite your facebook friends to join in.

Good luck to both ‪#‎Panthers‬ and ‪#‎Broncos‬ fans for ‪#‎SB50‬
- www.LiveFootballChat.com/go/35106

In case anyone internationally is planning on staying up to watch (or getting up early for Australians) be sure to check out the time here.

Tonight's game is broadcast to over 120 countries with an estimated viewership of 160m (approx. 40m outside of the USA).

For our international users does anyone know if the CBS app can "be viewed over VPN"?
- https://www.facebook.com/LiveFootballChat/posts/10153622125959221

Speaking of advanced apps....would you buy a Microsoft HoloLens if you could watch football with it like this?
- https://www.facebook.com/LiveFootballChat/posts/10153621882229221

Well good luck to both #Panthers and #Broncos fans and don't forget.....

....and your username for Football also works for Nascar :)
eg www.LiveFootballChat.com/dean.collins
same username/pasword as
(or #MLB , #F1 , or #NBA or any of the other 11 sports you can chat live during at http://www.LiveFanChat.com )

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