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Saturday, October 31, 2015

$$$ for facts and figures?

Interesting legal case below.

Does this mean every broadcast network, blog, online sports site will in the future also need to "license" facts and figures before they can report?

I understand if they used the players photos they need to pay for the image rights but aren't fan duel etc just using facts and figures in order to operate?

Its an interesting problem and I don't fault the player trying for "his cut" but this seems to be the wrong way.

We made some choices early on at www.LiveFanChat.com eg to not use team logos which are trademarks and although we received a C&D from Nascar.com (since dismissed) for using the site www.LiveNascarChat.com we haven't had any legal issues come up to operate.

I know there was(/is?) the legal case for college sports and game console developers for "Image Use" payment but will be keeping an eye on this to see how this FanDuel case goes and what this means for using stats at a future time within the www.LiveFanChat.com app.




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